FaceLift Surgery in London

Facelift surgery, performed by the esteemed Jan Stanek at Surgical Aesthetics London, offers a transformative solution for tightening facial skin and soft tissues. As a renowned plastic surgeon with over 37 years of experience, Jan Stanek has established himself as a leading expert in the field. With a focus on delivering exceptional results, Surgical Aesthetics London has become the go-to clinic for individuals seeking effective and reliable facelift procedures in London.


FaceLift Surgery

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a comprehensive procedure that aims to reverse signs of aging and restore a youthful appearance. The surgery involves tightening facial skin and underlying tissues through strategic incisions placed within the temple hair-bearing area, in front of and behind the ears, and extending into the hairline. It can address various concerns, such as sagging cheeks, deep nose-to-mouth lines, and laxity in the jawline and upper neck.

SMAS Facelift in London

One of the primary techniques employed in face lift surgery is the SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System) lift. This approach, introduced three decades ago, remains a fundamental aspect of modern face lifting. During an SMAS lift, the muscles over the jaw and upper neck are tightened, providing a foundation for repositioning the skin. This method offers several advantages, including reduced facial tension, improved scarring, and a more natural-looking outcome. However, it may have limited impact on the cheeks and nose-to-mouth lines.

Deep SMAS Face Lift for Enhanced Results:

To address concerns related to sagging cheeks and deep nose-to-mouth lines more effectively, the deep or extended SMAS face lift technique was developed. This technique involves variations in the surgical approach but aims to correct the same issues. Performing a deep SMAS face lift requires advanced surgical skills and experience. While the procedure carries a slightly higher risk of nerve injury, it offers superior results for facial rejuvenation when applied to the appropriate patients.

Complementary Neck Surgery:

In cases where the SMAS lift alone cannot adequately address neck muscle and skin laxity, complementary neck surgery may be necessary. This is especially true for individuals with noticeable sagging skin and muscle beneath the chin. The combination of facial correction and neck surgery ensures a comprehensive rejuvenation and avoids accentuating neck laxity. It is crucial to discuss the possibility of combining neck surgery with face lift procedures during the consultation with your surgeon.

Expectations and Recovery:

The results of face lift surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon's skill and experience, the patient's age, skin condition, and the severity of skin laxity. With the introduction of fibrin glue, recovery time in terms of bruising and swelling has significantly reduced. Many patients can confidently resume their normal activities within 10-14 days post-surgery, with no detectable signs of the procedure. However, the healing process continues over several months, and complete scar maturation may take up to a year. It is important to follow proper post-operative care and attend all recommended follow-up appointments.


FaceLift Surgeon London

Face lifting is a general term referring to the tightening of facial skin and underlying soft tissues through standard incisions running through the temple hair-bearing area, in front of the ear, behind and back into the hairline.  Full facelift refers to total facial rejuvenation and it may involve eyelid surgery, browlifting and some sort of skin “resurfacing”.

With increasing demand for this type of surgery, and surgeons’ quest for better results, especially in the area of cheeks and mouth-to-nose lines, new developments have introduced new techniques such as deep face lifting.  Improvements in neck surgery are also the result of more advanced techniques.  However, all these improvements are due to more invasive surgery with its underlying risks and demand more surgical skill and experience.

The standard or skin only facelift is an old technique pioneered almost 100 years ago, which relies entirely on lifting the facial skin and tightening it above and behind the ears.  In the right patient it may give a good result but probably not as long lasting as facelifts involving some kind of muscle tightening at the same time.  Also scars tend to stretch and may become visible.  This type of face lifting is becoming obsolete, except in selected cases.


SMAS facelift

The muscle-tightening or SMAS facelift was introduced some 30 years ago and remains the mainstay of face lifting at the present time.  In this case, the muscle over the jaw and upper neck is tightened, and the skin draped over it.  It has the advantage of producing a less stretched face, with less tension on the skin and better scars.  Unfortunately, it has little or no effect on the cheeks and the nose-to mouth lines.

Because SMAS facelift is not very effective in treating sagging cheeks and deep nose-to mouth lines, deep or extended SMAS facelift was introduced many years ago.  There are variations to this technique, but they all attempt to correct the same problem.  This technique is much more demanding on the surgeon’s skill and experience, and the risk of nerve injury is slightly higher.  However, in the right patient this technique affords the best result in face lifting at present.

Neck surgery is necessary if the SMAS lifting will not correct neck muscle and skin laxity, especially the skin and muscle sagging under the chin. Those patients with “heavy” necks will also require this procedure because facial correction alone will not produce pleasing results and may make the neck laxity look more prominent. It is important to discuss this with your surgeon prior to making a decision whether you should undergo this procedure combined with facelifting.


Face Lift Results - What To Expect?

The result of facelifting depends on many factors, such as surgeon’s skill and experience, patient’s age, condition of skin, severity of skin laxity, and of course, patient’s expectations.

The introduction of fibrin glue in facelifting has reduced the duration of recovery in terms of bruising and swelling making it possible to face the world in 10-14 days without detectable signs of surgery. It has also significantly reduced the risk of some of the complications, such as haematoma, seroma and skin necrosis.

The stay at our London based hospital is usually not more than one night, and sutures are removed 7 to 10 days later.  Bruising may be present up to three weeks post-operatively, depending on the extent, type of surgery, and patient’s tendency to bruise.  The settling down process is a long one and may take many months.  However, with proper make-up the patient should be presentable two weeks after surgery.  Scars are generally difficult to see, and they continue to improve for up to a year.  On the whole, scars are not “mature” for at least one year after surgery.  Sometimes scars may have to be revised if they are thick or obtrusive.  In patients with poorly elastic skin and tissues it may be necessary to tighten the face after six to twelve months.

When making a decision about having cosmetic surgery, it is important to weigh up the pros and cons.  It is particularly important, because cosmetic surgery is not medically necessary, and the benefit can be measured in purely psychological and aesthetic terms only.

Potential Complications:

As with any surgical procedure, face lift surgery carries some risks, although they are generally uncommon. It is essential to be aware of these potential complications, which may include:

Bleeding or Hematoma:

Bleeding or hematoma formation occurs in less than 0.5% of patients. This complication is more likely in males, individuals with high blood pressure, or those who have taken aspirin or vitamin E. Immediate treatment is required, and while it can result in marked bruising, there are no long-term effects.

Wound Infection:

Major infections are rare, but localized infections, particularly behind the ears, can occur. These infections are treated with antibiotics and local wound care, with no long-term consequences. The risk of infection is less than 1%.

Scar Healing:

While surgeons strive to produce the best possible scars, some patients may have a tendency to develop thickened scars known as hypertrophic scars. In rare cases, particularly in dark-skinned individuals, keloid scars may form and require treatment with steroid injections or revision. It's important to note that scar improvement continues over time.

Hair Loss:

Hair loss near the temple scar is uncommon and typically resolves within a few months, with regrowth occurring naturally.


Temporary numbness in the cheek, jaw, and neck areas is normal after facelift surgery. Over time, this numbness subsides completely, although a small patch of persistent numbness may occur.


Bruising is common after facelift surgery, with variations depending on factors such as individual tendencies and the extent of the surgery. Redheads and individuals taking aspirin or vitamin E may experience more pronounced bruising. Most bruising resolves within three weeks.

Facial Nerve Injury:

Facial nerve injury is an extremely rare complication that can result in temporary or permanent paralysis of a small facial muscle. This risk should be discussed with the surgeon before the procedure.

Unsatisfactory Results:

Dissatisfaction with the outcome of facelift surgery can occur due to various factors, such as unrealistic expectations. While face lifting generally achieves positive results, it cannot reverse the natural aging process entirely.

Skin Necrosis:

Poor blood supply can lead to suboptimal skin healing, particularly in smokers. It is strongly advised for smokers to cease smoking at least four weeks before surgery, although smokers may still have a higher risk of complications due to permanent damage to blood vessels caused by smoking.

When considering facelift surgery, it is vital to have a thorough consultation with your surgeon to discuss the various types of face lifting techniques, potential risks, and alternative treatment options. Jan Stanek at Surgical Aesthetics London offers a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation, combining his extensive experience, surgical expertise, and commitment to patient satisfaction. With his exceptional track record and dedication to delivering natural-looking results, Jan Stanek has become a trusted choice for face lift surgery in London. By choosing Surgical Aesthetics London, patients can confidently embark on their journey towards achieving a more youthful and revitalized appearance.


About Surgical Aesthetics London:

Surgical Aesthetics London is a prominent plastic surgery clinic founded by Mr. Jan Stanek FRCS, a highly respected and skilled cosmetic surgeon with a prestigious background. Jan Stanek graduated from Oxford University and has devoted the past 30 years to building his private practice in London. In 1993, he established Surgical Aesthetics and has since performed more than 20,000 procedures, gaining a reputation for excellence in the field.

As a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), Jan Stanek's expertise extends beyond the operating room. He has contributed to the advancement of surgical innovation through numerous journal articles and books. Jan Stanek is also recognized as a sought-after lecturer, sharing his knowledge and expertise with audiences worldwide.


FaceLift London:

Unparalleled Expertise and Experience:

Jan Stanek's extensive experience in plastic surgery, specifically in face lift procedures, sets him apart as a trusted and skilled practitioner. With thousands of successful surgeries under his belt, he possesses a deep understanding of facial anatomy and the intricacies of the face lift technique. Jan Stanek's expertise ensures that each patient receives a customized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs and desired outcomes.

Commitment to Natural-Looking Results:

Jan Stanek is renowned for his ability to achieve natural-looking results with face lift surgery. He approaches each procedure with an artistic eye, aiming to enhance the patient's natural beauty and rejuvenate their appearance without an overdone or artificial look. By utilizing advanced surgical techniques and his refined aesthetic sensibility, Jan Stanek consistently delivers results that appear harmonious and balanced with the patient's features.

Patient-Centered Approach:

At Surgical Aesthetics London, patient satisfaction and comfort are of utmost importance. Jan Stanek and his dedicated team provide personalized care and support throughout the entire surgical journey. From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-up, patients receive individualized attention, clear communication, and comprehensive guidance. Jan Stanek takes the time to listen to his patients' concerns, answer their questions, and address any anxieties they may have, ensuring a positive and reassuring experience.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Techniques:

Surgical Aesthetics London is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and utilizes the latest advancements in surgical technology. Jan Stanek remains at the forefront of his field, constantly updating his knowledge and skills to incorporate innovative techniques and tools into his practice. By staying abreast of emerging trends and advancements, he can offer his patients the most effective and cutting-edge approaches to face lift surgery.

Emphasis on Safety and Quality:

Jan Stanek prioritizes patient safety and maintains the highest standards of care throughout the entire surgical process. Surgical Aesthetics London follows strict safety protocols and ensures a sterile and secure environment for all procedures. Jan Stanek and his experienced team monitor patients closely during and after surgery, providing attentive care to promote optimal healing and minimize the risk of complications.

Transparent Consultations and Education:

Jan Stanek believes in empowering his patients with knowledge and ensuring they make informed decisions about their treatment. During the initial consultation, he takes the time to thoroughly explain the face lift procedure, discuss the expected outcomes, and address any concerns or questions. Jan Stanek educates patients about the benefits and limitations of face lift surgery, providing a clear understanding of what to expect during the process and in the recovery phase.

Choosing Jan Stanek at Surgical Aesthetics London for face lift surgery in London ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care, exceptional surgical expertise, and natural-looking results. With Jan Stanek's extensive experience, commitment to patient satisfaction, and artistic approach to facial rejuvenation, Surgical Aesthetics London has become a premier destination for individuals seeking transformative and successful face lift procedures.

Jan Stanek's dedication to patient care goes beyond the surgical procedure itself. He understands that undergoing face lift surgery is a deeply personal decision, and he takes the time to develop a strong doctor-patient relationship built on trust, respect, and open communication. Jan Stanek actively listens to his patients' goals, concerns, and expectations, ensuring that their desires are understood and incorporated into the treatment plan.

Throughout the entire surgical journey, Jan Stanek and his team provide unwavering support and guidance. They offer comprehensive pre-operative instructions, including advice on lifestyle modifications, medication adjustments, and pre-surgery preparations to optimize the patient's safety and well-being. Jan Stanek's meticulous approach extends to the surgical process, where he prioritizes precision and attention to detail, resulting in consistently outstanding outcomes.

Following the surgery, Jan Stanek and his team provide thorough post-operative care instructions, ensuring that patients have a smooth recovery. They monitor patients closely, addressing any concerns or complications that may arise and providing appropriate guidance for optimal healing. Jan Stanek believes in the importance of long-term follow-up care, ensuring that patients achieve the desired results and maintain their rejuvenated appearance over time.

Jan Stanek's commitment to continuous improvement and staying at the forefront of his field is evident in his active participation in professional societies, attending conferences, and engaging in ongoing education. By staying abreast of the latest advancements and techniques, he ensures that his patients benefit from the most advanced and innovative approaches available in face lift surgery.

Moreover, Jan Stanek recognizes that each patient is unique and requires a personalized treatment plan. He tailors the surgical technique to address specific concerns, whether it be addressing sagging cheeks, reducing deep nose-to-mouth lines, or enhancing the jawline and neck area. By customizing the procedure to individual needs, Jan Stanek maximizes the chances of achieving natural-looking results that enhance the patient's overall facial harmony and self-confidence.

Jan Stanek's reputation extends beyond his surgical expertise. He is highly regarded for his compassionate and empathetic approach, treating each patient with the utmost care and respect. Patients feel comfortable expressing their desires and concerns, knowing that they are in the hands of a skilled and caring surgeon who genuinely values their well-being.

In summary, choosing Jan Stanek at Surgical Aesthetics London for face lift surgery in London offers a transformative experience that goes beyond physical transformation. Jan Stanek's expertise, patient-centered approach, commitment to safety, and exceptional surgical skills make him the ideal choice for individuals seeking natural-looking and rejuvenating results. With Jan Stanek as their trusted surgeon, patients can embark on a journey to restore their youthful appearance and regain their self-confidence, knowing they are in the hands of a true professional dedicated to their satisfaction and well-being.

It is important to discuss these points, as well as the various types of face lifting with your surgeon at the initial consultation.  He/she should be able to answer all your questions as well as alternative forms of treatment, so that you can decide whether you want to go ahead with surgery.

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For more information about Face Lifts, or to book a consultation with Jan Stanek at Surgical Aesthetics in London, please enquire below.